Dr Allen Arnette yoga

Dr. Allen Arnette

Allen’s blending of various yoga traditions produce classes that are filled with support, experience and wisdom. Yoga traditions of Iyengar (alignment orientation), Asthanga/Vinyasa methods, Viniyoga and Sivananda are woven together with Pramayama (breath work) and meditation to provide an authentic yoga practice. For the past 12 years he has been teaching yoga and meditation throughout Long Beach, CA.

Allen has studied yoga and completed his teacher training with Yogaworks in Santa Monica with Heather Seiniger and Malachi Melville (2006). He then completed advanced Vinyasa flow teacher training in Santa Monica with Shiva Rea (2012). In an ongoing quest to deepen his personal practice and understanding of yoga philosophy he has taken many specialty seminars on shoulder health, safety in inversions, jumping, and other topics. He has over 500 hours worth of teacher’s training.

Growing up in the 60s with hippie parents Allen was exposed to yoga at an early age. The attitude and intention of peace, wholeness and health were the background of his childhood in Dallas Texas. Today, he practices yoga with conviction, passion and life long enthusiasm.

By day Allen is better known as Dr. Arnette at his clinic - ParkView Health & Wellness Center in Long Beach California where he is the clinic director. Here he combines his natural medical degrees, licenses, talents and skills of chiropractic, acupuncture and Functional Medicine to treat his patients. Coupled along with supplements and nutritional guidance to lead patients to a healthier lifestyle, thousands have been healed during Dr. Arnette's time here. He has tackled conditions ranging from rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome and many viral conditions to Stress related conditions as well as sports and yoga-related injuries.

Understanding that well being and wholeness are the natural states of the human experience, Dr. Arnette found that passive medical care could only go so far as for healing the symptoms of what ails people. A holistic approach to life encompasses greater territory. One important cornerstone is the vital and radiant health bestowed upon the practitioner of Hatha yoga. He refers to yoga as “active acupuncture” and acupuncture as “passive yoga.”

Allen therefore, brings to his yoga students over three decades of experience in helping to end suffering, ease tension, reduce pain and find greater states of well-being and joy.

lacey marsac yoga teacher

Lacey Marsac

Before I began my yoga practice in 2011, I was an avid runner for over 20 years. I began to participate in Pilates, Zumba, and strength and conditioning classes to develop a more well-rounded approach to fitness. Through my love of these various formats, my journey as a teacher began, and in 2013 I became a licensed Zumba and Zumba Sentao Instructor. One year later, I became a NASM/AFAA Certified Group Exercise Instructor.

Yoga continued to be an essential part of my life; my practice taught me patience and gratitude, and provided numerous physical benefits including strength, balance, and flexibility. In 2015, I became a yoga instructor through the YogaWorks Teacher Training program, as well as a member of Yoga Alliance. I currently teach Hatha Flow Yoga - Using a Chair as a Prop, through the City of Long Beach Parks and Recreation Department. I also assist Dr. Allen Arnette with his yoga classes through the City of Long Beach as well.